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The definitive guide to crackers.

Healthy crackers don’t have to taste like cardboard or sawdust. Below are 37 different brands, types and flavored crackers ranked by nutritional breakdown and taste.

If you don’t see the type of cracker you frequently enjoy, use the guidelines I have laid out below to test whether or not you’re snacking smart!

  • Choose ingredients like: Healthy oils (olive, canola), whole grains (whole wheat, brown rice, whole rye)

  • Be wary of: Partially hydrogenated oils, cottonseed oil, palm oil, sugar

  • Check Your Oil: Some crackers list 0 grams of trans fat but are still made with partially hydrogenated oils. Double-check the ingredient list and pick heart-healthy oils instead.

  • Expand your horizons and look for more whole grains: Whole-wheat is a healthy choice—and crackers are now also made with quinoa, brown rice, whole rye, amaranth and more good-for-you whole grains.

  • Watch out for the flavor up-sale: Flavored crackers, while tasty, can tip the sodium scales with 300 mg or more per serving—and that’s before salty toppings like dips and cheese.

When choosing a cracker to snack on, look for the following numbers (based on a serving size of about 30 grams)

Saturated Fat ≤ 0.5 g

Sodium ≤ 200 mg

Dietary Fiber ≥ 2 g

Sugars ≤ 2 g

The brand and type of cracker is listed on the left side of the table with individual nutrients following in the columns after. A nutrient highlighted in green is one that falls within the healthy guidelines listed above. If an ingredient is highlighted in red then that nutrient exceeds or does not amount to the recommended serving of the snack.

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